Saturday 15 June 2024

Dyslexia In Adults

 Dyslexia in Adults

When adults realize they are dyslexic thinkers, through formal diagnosis or otherwise, it can be a truly liberating experience. This understanding can significantly benefit their personal and professional lives in several ways:

1. Understanding their dyslexia can bring a sense of relief as it explains why they think and act the way they do.

2. Self-awareness can aid in building self-esteem and confidence. It's empowering to understand how their brains work and why they respond in certain ways.

3. Recognition of their dyslexia can provide validation and liberate them from self-doubt.

4. Embracing their unique thinking style can lead to becoming more forthcoming and assertive about their ideas, utilizing their strengths.

5. Restored confidence can help them overcome embarrassment about spelling mistakes and reduce negative self-talk, allowing them to shrug off others' negative remarks.

6. With new self-awareness, they can develop strategies to work around problem areas, such as utilizing technology tools like Grammarly, spell check, and voice-to-text features.

7. Recognizing dyslexia opens the path for self-improvement. They can seek training and learn specific strategies to enhance communication, comprehension, and stress management.

Overall, this awareness can have a positive impact on their lives, guiding them towards a happy and successful future.

Follow my blog to get more insights on dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, dyspraxia, and ADHD.

(Photo by Jeffrey Valenzuela on Unsplash)

Tuesday 28 May 2024

Teaching Effective Learning Strategies - DLS

We all the tine keep telling our children focus, pay attention, concentrate because it is important to stay focused if you want to learn and understand anything. But, have you ever thought how to focus?  Is there a way to teach children easily to know when their mind is going off the task? Why children, for most of us adult it could be a challenge, unless we are doing something really interesting. For learning, children are made to sit in classroom, whereas they are filled with curiosity to explore the world and the zest to try out everything! Nevertheless, for structured learning to take place we need classroom (or similar setting). 

So how do we make learning exploratory and experiential for children and also teach them self directed techniques to stay focused willingly. Davis Learning Strategies are one such techniques which gives answer to these questions. 

These techniques are effective and helpful for all those who want children to be:
1. Better readers 
2. Having ability to focus at will. 
3. Independent learners 
4. Develop Critical thinking
5. Develop analytical thinking. 

These strategies are applicable for all types of learners as these based on Multiple intelligence & Multi sensory techniques. These are independent to any curriculum and language.

These strategies are easy and simple to use. 

Research results based on classroom based study, where these Strategies were deployed show following key impact: 

1. 40% High achievers (gifted students) which is 35% higher than average.

2. No special referrals : students who are At Risk of developing LD came into average category.

Please see these links for more information and evidences -
National television documentry about DLS in NewZealand-
A comprehensive presentation on DLS-
See Less

Thursday 11 April 2019


My friend has both Dyslexia and ADHD. Is he a Demigod by any chance?

I came across a question on Quora that inspired me to write this post.

The question was: "My friend has both Dyslexia and ADHD. Is he a Demigod by any chance?" This question made me think about how Percy Jackson's story is woven (character created by novelist Rick Riordan), he has dyslexia and ADHD and his struggles and victories.  The way this child is shown fighting against all odds, but owing to his scared gifts and support angels he was constantly guarded by, he achieved extraordinary.

In real life too, I consider each of these individuals who are blessed with Dyslexia/ ADHD to be no less than such 'Demigods'. The initial years of struggles which as a child they face in school: a daily embarrassment of incomplete assignments, not getting the project material that the teacher asked for, fear of getting their turn to read aloud in the class, the humiliation of getting most spellings wrong, all the Sisyphean efforts to achieve a small reading or writing assignment only to find out how it lacked in many aspects; might be lacking in structure, spelling errors, or was illegible! Name-calling, bullying, being ridiculed... At home; worrying and sometimes frustrated parents... Despite all this, my 'Demigod' knows how to wonder about the small marvel of nature, and knows how to entertain themself, so what if it is pure daydreaming... he/she is empathic to others though he has not always received empathy that he needs, caring in his way... when left carefree and nurtured with a non-judgemental environment their creativity blossom.

Though it may also happen, some of them turn bitter due to all the hardships they suffer each day. That is where the support angels play a positive role. Angel can be a teacher, friend, and parent. Parent has a major role here.  Angels recognize the talent this child has, how he can draw analogies, how he comes up with the aspects which generally people wouldn't think of, their empathy, their creativity, out-of-the-box thinking, creative problem solving, interpersonal skills,  all this when it comes to the practical world. Angel's encouragement and support help the child maintain their self-esteem and bloom fully.

If they get the right support and tools for learning and dealing with life aspects, surely they show up as something beyond ordinary. Once the initial somewhat thorny journey is taken with the right support and zeal, the talent in real life blooms. The initial journey struggle can be minimized with the right support and help.  

The skills they lack can be acquired but the potential and the creative abilities they possess cannot be cultivated. 

I am saying this not only because we keep reading about all the famous dyslexics but also because of my personal experiences with my clients. I see each of the clients that I coach showing up with such marvelous thinking. The only thing they need to believe is that they are blessed! It is a loss of society if they fail to bloom...

One such example is an eight-year-old boy rejected from various schools that fail to teach him and fail to recognize his talent. See the picture on the right, which shows a working model of a spacecraft he created all by himself. This he created as part of the exercise we do during the Dyslexia Correction Program that I provide. I am sure you will agree, that it is a pity on the school that rejected such beyond-the-ordinary talent. Why should he be deprived of the joy of learning? He has his angels in his mom and dad who believe in his abilities and support him with utmost care and love. I am sure he will pass the test and achieve something exclusive in life just like a 'Demigod'.

Another example is a child who was once told not to take up extended subjects and not to take up computers though he was interested in computers and science. Today he has secured admission in one of the top 10 technology universities in Computer science in the US and that too with a handsome scholarship. It's not a mean feat by any standards! His relentless belief in his abilities and his consistent use of his tools and techniques,  steadfast support from his angle (his parents, especially his mom) helped him nurture his learning. Set him on the path to conquer his dreams. This boy is a dedicated and consistent learner, though he finished the Dyslexia & Math Mastery program in 2016, and completed all the follow-up work diligently, Before his key exams he used to book a two-day refresher session with me and work on the issues that he is facing. 

Similarly, in my initial days, I provided a dysgraphia and dyslexia correction program to a 12-year-old girl. Mom was taking her for occupational therapy since she was 5 years old, she was prescribed to work on poor motor skills by strengthening her weak hand muscles and that was the reason assumed for his illegible handwriting. The paradox was the girl was a phenomenal artist. She fondly gifted me one of her freehand pencil sketches on completion of the program (see the picture above). How can one fail to notice that the act of such fine sketching art indeed needs finer motor skills? Needless to say in all these years her handwriting remained as is but confidence and self-esteem were affected. After this program when she went to school her teacher asked, 'What you did do?', 'How did your handwriting become so clear?' Thankfully, after the program, she was much more motivated by the positive changes she felt and her newfound abilities. Today, this girl is doing extremely well and represents her college in many events and seminars. 

Important is to BELIEVE in oneself, gain and maintain confidence, and NOT listen to naysayers be it school or anyone in the society... - Link to the Quora question. 

Thursday 27 December 2018

Reflections: Overdose or Under-Dose Parenting

‘When water is calm like in deep lake, we see everything clearly! But when water is turbulent like on hills/ slopes, we don't see any reflections.

Reflections in clam water; analogous to Calm Mind
Our mind is similar... if we are calm in situations, we can reflect clearly and then respond rather than reacting’ --- This was a casual conversation one morning with friends in context to some situation. I jokingly shared these photos from my gallery too.. (posting them here too...). But this thought took me to conversations  I routinely have with parents as part of the correction/ therapy programs I provide. So writing this blogpost some food for thought in holidays, hopefully when most of can be like a calm lake and can reflect...

Turbulent River; analogous to agitated state of mind
We parents most of the time, are a turbulent river... And we think our kids are driving us this way , as if they are the slope on which we are flowing! 
I guess many parents specially mothers would agree with me... but I am sure all will also agree that children only look up to parents and imitate behaviours. World doesn’t take a BIG circle here...

We know that the child is dependent on parent for love, tender care and nurturing in infancy years... these needs grow and change as child grows. Parental response changes to nurture the child. Problem arises IF parenting approach is too much or too less nurturing...

I draw the analogy of parental care & nurturing to  food & nutrition, so we can correlate better: When child is fed a well balanced diet they remain healthy. But imbalance happens when out of love, child is over fed or even forced fed out of love in initial years, then over eating becomes the need of the child leading to health issues at tender age... Same goes to support that we provide to child, out of love we may end up doing everything for the child thinking they are small and we rob their opportunity to learn to be independent and later we burn out and end up being like a turbulent river...

Similarly, Excessive support with lots of expectations can be compared to an imbalance diet like feeding child  with fast food and then thinking why they are not up to the mark, or why overweight etc. We don’t want that to happen, right? 

In another situation children could  ‘starve’ inspite of being well fed! Why? Because some of  their ‘basic needs’ are suppressed with the high performance expectation barrier or other reasons, there could be many. 

Though intention of parents whatever the case may be is almost always in the best interest of the child. Our judgements are based on our own conditioning and biases, the same may not always hold good for our children as they are in current times much different from we have grown up in. So, Ironically this ‘best interest’  is where all the imbalances occur leading to many issues faced by the child. And these issues become more complex & quite deep rooted as a child grows into an adult. These can potentially turn into low self-esteem, lack of confidence, lack of zeal etc.  Such imbalances often create behaviour issues in childhood and may translate into personality issues into adulthood leading into self inflicting or dangerous behaviour. Situation worsens when the child had learning differences or any other such challenges .

I see this in most of the cases I deal with.  I will site some practical examples from real life situations to elaborate further:

Scenario 1: Pushing on the edge 

Parent of a child with learning differences strive to provide all round support by all means. In order to encourage the child and not let them feel they are any less then peers. The child is pushed to try harder and harder... Absolutely no problem here... unless the child gets sound bytes like “This is not tough at all... children even with lesser capability than you can do this, so you can certainly do it better” 
Problem here; it  translates to the child something like, “Oh! I can’t even do easier things, I am no good.”
“I'm good for nothing, cannot even do simple things” .
The worst one: 
“I don't bring joy & pride to my parents”.

Now, we as parents may tell our child hundred times how much we love and care for them... but this interpreted learning remains with them as killer of their self esteem.. 

So what can be done:
As parents, if we can genuinely keep ourselves into child’s place and identify ourselves with their needs and feelings, that would help change the perspective. 
Try to re-phrase your sentences where you completely empathise with the child and show an understating towards their problems. Example; ‘ I understand how it feels when we are not able to do certain things as expected of us, but only the ones who try till they get it right are the winners, no matter what it takes. And I am always here when you need  help”.

Scenario 2- Well fed but Starving 
Mom complains that the child doesn't listen and is not ready to do any required activities like school homework, self-study etc but wastes  time watching TV and playing. The question is Why the child who was ever eager to learn new things as a preschooler starts doing so now at age eight or more…
Iaonnis Tzivanakis 
This scenario, reminds me to the learning I got in a very profound lecture by Ioannis Tzivanakis, I was fortunate to attend to at the recent Davis International Symposium in UK. Because it had answers to such problems! 

Ioannis, highlighted how important is attunement to inner receptivity... In simple terms: understanding and being aware of the core needs of the child and creating and environment where these needs are nurtured.

Another key point which I got as great learning from his lecture was: Let the child bloom by revealing themselves. 

Ioannis explained: learning engagement happens when curiosity is arised, creativity gets nourished, feeling of self acceptance arises, being loved and safety is provided.  
On the other hand, we avoid anything that we fear, any thing that causes confusion and we avoid boredom. All causes of disengagement.

This sounds so logical and is a natural response, but when the child expresses it in his own way, we find it illogical. 

So what can be done:
We don’t want the situation as described above where the child has reached the state of revolt as his some needs are starved, his creativity or curiosity is not fed enough.. his disengagement with activities as expected of him is result of him feeling deprived of what he wants and the expected activities do not feed curiosity etc. 

Such a child needs assurance and activity which is not inducing boredom to get engaged with. As parents only we can take clues and from child by listening intently and not judging them with our conditional biases. Let the child boom by revealing themselves.

Well…I guess this is enough food for thought to go over the holiday season. I am eagerly waiting for the arrival of the new book titled ‘ADHD decoded', by Ioannis Tzivanakis. I was lucky to have few interactions with him, any advice he makes is full of profound wisdom earned through extensive experience and deep research (you can visit his website I am sure the book will have deep insights.
Ioannis Tzivanakis in Malvern, UK, 2018, Giving his lecture ADHD and Life Lessons

For people interested in more insights, I would recommend following readings:
  • Strong-willed child or dreamer? 

By Dr. Dana Scott Spears & Dr. Ron L Braun
  • ADHD Decoded

By - Ioannis Tzivanakis -

PS-1: “ADHD Decoded" just arrived! :)

PS-2: Ioannis also accepted my request for an interview… In my blog post :)) So keep watching.. I am excited!

Friday 14 December 2018

Focus vs concentration; Some Disruptive learning Strategies – DLS

Are Focus & Concentration interchangeable terms and same processes? How they affect our learning?

We often say ‘Concentrate hard you will get it’ or ‘You need to concentrate on work/ studies if you want to be something in life’. Parents and teachers look for ways and means to increase concentration. Have we ever thought what concentration is and how do we achieve it? More so WHY THERE IS EVEN NEED TO CONCENTRATE?

Most of us would respond saying; ‘Yes! Of course, we need to concentrate… the child need to concentrate otherwise how they will score marks or something better’ or ‘Because they don’t concentrate they make mistakes’ and so on… which are probably right answers till we release and understand ; What is that we are wanting to achieve?

So let's take few minutes here to reflect; Remember those experiences when you are engrossed in any activity be it reading an intense novel, watching a deep thoughtful movie, painting, singing for your soul.. There can be numerous such activities. When the engagement is from core such that you are so engrossed and forget everything else, these are most joyful moments for our soul! Take a moment to realise were we forcing us to concentrate for this joyous experience?

You see the point! So what is it that is making such engagement possible? We know it well… our heart was in it… We were focused on the activity or pursuit of it… When we are focused on something we apply our all our resources physical and mental to the task with most ease without any external force. When we are focused we pursue the activity as a long term endeavor. Whereas ‘concentration’ is transactional. It is characterised by external forced.

So, our kids be better with Focus on their studies or Concentration! Of course answer is Focus ! So next question is - How that becomes possible?

For that we would want our kids to love and endure the learning process. The good news is ; IT IS POSSIBLE! And right from the age of pre-primary classes.
Denial Goleman (2013). 'Focus: The Hidden Driver Of Excellence'
Denial Goleman, author of famous book Emotion Intelligence, in his book on 'Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence', emphasis on how now more than ever we must learn to sharpen focus to meet the ever increasing demands of complex world we are in today.

Young children at that age are made for playing in the open but class room setting requires them to sit confined to their allotted seats; the first detractor.. how will they enjoy the classroom! And the dangerous Smartphone menace; child is pacified these days by handing over a smartphone to watch videos before they even start walking...there can be countless examples to note that how much we need to teach our kids the important life skill FOCUS so they can direct their attention on learning, and of course the challenge is to make learning interesting and a creative process.

Yes something can be done about it… This can happen by deploying efficient classroom Management techniques, by teaching effective learning methods to children. Methods which provide the following –
  1. Providing them a self-directed ability to stay on task with focus.
  2. Mechanism to maintain their physical energy appropriate for the task at hand. 
  3. Engage them by letting them using their creativity in every learning task.
  4. Confidence to make mistakes. (Mistakes are learning opportunities
  5. Reach out to kids to every learning style can be exploited.
All above points are The recipe for generating lifelong love for learning in children and satisfaction galore to teachers….

Where we get these methods! We adults’; teachers and parents will have to unlearn and learn many ways of dealing with kids… but at the same time these are simple enough to learn and implement. Sure these are disruptive.

What am I talking about here; These Davis Learning Strategies - DLS, the methods developed in California in 1993, by Ronald D Davis and Sharron Pfeiffer ( . Since then these methods are followed across the world in many schools and each such school has a great success story to share.

I personally got opportunity to mentor teachers at an international school in Chennai, India and recently at a charity run school in Mumbai. In both the schools my experience has been amazing and much rewarding. These schools fall on a wide range of spectrum from size, scale and resources. But when you talk of kids they are same energetic bundle of enthusiastic learners and the teachers, the dedicated souls who try to make all ends meet to provide their best to let kids bloom.

Teachers find these strategies as answers to the missing puzzle piece what they were looking for e.g. Being able to reach all the students out equally,

Want every child to apply their creativity,

Want them to love their studies,

Not want to get them board….

These are some of the actual answers from teachers when I ask them what single most important thing that they feel they would to make different for their students. During the training, they could reflect on the all practical difficulties they face in the classroom and could relate to make their teaching more effective by applying these methods.

What more can be a proof that teachers happily came early to school than their scheduled time, so they can attend training to learn the techniques which they saw spelling wonders on the kids in the classrooms, when I volunteered to take 1 period to teach some of these strategies to children. Now if I need to tell how children felt; where do I start to describe the enthusiasm and fun children had in the classroom. It will be subject for another blogpost J

These are my personal experience examples. In the recent International Davis Symposium I got chance to meet many facilitators/ teachers who are instrumental in bringing a sea change in the way education in being given in schools. In particular a group from New Zealand, their success story was a tale of their determination and resolve… they are now in the process of talks with their education ministry to provide funding as more and more teachers what to get trained. Here is the link to a TV documentary film that says all….

My personal vision is to reach out as many children and teachers as possible and impact them this lifelong learning skills… so we nurture innovators, inventors, artists and happy humans for tomorrow! So, if you are a teacher or parent or associated with schools in anyway, please reach out... lets scribe a success story of ours! 

Wednesday 14 November 2018

Fixing The Root Cause

In continuation to my previous post on 6th Davis International Symposium, UKHere is another interesting point that I feel worth sharing with everyone 
This is from one of the lectures that Ronald D Davis gave, it was actually a Q & A session with him  (I will refer him as Ron, that is what everyone fondly calls him). When Ron speaksevery phrase is a nugget of wisdom and the beauty is the simplicity of it...This is really profound one; he related the efficacy of the methods that he has deviced to his engineering background (another ‘wow’ moment for me; my background is same as his… :) 

Summary of what he said something like, ‘Engineers solve a problem by creating somethingThen other engineers will later work on solving more problems which got created by creating ‘that' something and the cycle goes on… but if we work to find the root cause which created the problem at the first place & fix that root cause… the problem will cease to exist.' (All my engineer friends listening…;)

I am so sure all who are reading this, are able to relate to this; our day in day out agony… At work place  or in life, where problems are everyday life reality, to find the root cause & fix that root cause is of extreme importance rather then just creating new solutions. New solutions without fixing the root issue only complicate situations sooner or later, as new solutions will have their own set of problems  induced with the root cause lying breathing there to surface in another form… it is as scary as it sounds.

In business organisations the buzz word remains RCA acca Root Cause Analysis…  at my previous  workplace I remember the emphasis laid on digging out the right root cause & fixing it, we all know when leakage is plugged at wrong place and not from the source itself, that may simply burst the pipe someday... 

When it comes to learning problems like difficulties faced in learning to read, reading comprehension , spellings, writing, understanding math, behaviour problems, attention problem etc the same concept applies. We have named these symptoms Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, Dyspraxia, ADHD and so on...  

What we see the difficulty in certain areas of learning & behaviour that itself is not a problem… it is just a symptom. Applying methods to correct the Symptom may work but for short term…. The person will keep fighting the symptom with root cause still unplugged, will eventually continue suffering in some way or the other. 

Like if your doctor only gives you painkiller when you have a headache and no further diagnosis is carried out… you will feel have false belief of being cured as along as you take headache pills & eventually even headache pills will no longer work one fine day… that time you have no choice but to go and find out root cause of the headache & get best treatment. Only sad part is the process you suffer so much pain & stress… not far to imagine other complications that may ariseCase of learning difficulty is no different....

Problem is; most parents, educators, and sufferers themselves aren't much awareso they try their best for warding off the symptoms rather then taking root cause corrections. Root cause correction will be for life long… symptoms corrections are temporary and also not empowering

Fortunately Ron could figure this out an worked out the methods to correct his own problems and then later these methods as we know today have helped millions of people across the world. Davis methods always work because they address root cause & apply specific correction method based on the person’s learning styles. It also provide tools for lifelong learning. These tools allows the person to explore their creativity & analytical thinking.  

There is huge difference in knowing the facts & understanding them. Knowing the facts does not make a person essentially capable of applying that knowledge back. This is because they have not learn it though their experience rather they just know it… And many people who fail to learn with  traditional teaching methods, do so because they are wired for real learning not mere reproducing the facts…If you feel this explanation is theoretical .. let's considered example of swimming. If youdecide to learn swimming you may watch many lessons on you tube and may read books with titles ‘How to…’ you will become fully aware of all aspects of swimming, but still I doubt you will get confidence to get into water and start swimming until you take & feel the experience of swimming in water yourself… This is a physical activity so we can relate very well & identify with it better… But process of learning is same irrespective of the subject.
In methods that we teach during 5 day program, experiential learning is taught. The person learns a powerful techniques which can be applied on any subject that they want to master.
Techniques available in a five day program also helps a person becoming more aware of themselves. And that changes a lot in a person from within… 
If you are interested in learning more about these methods, please feel free to contact me would be happy to share more .

Thursday 1 November 2018

Meeting of Mind's Eyes, VI Davis International Symposium, UK, Oct 2018 : My Diaries

To live for a time close to great minds is best kind of education 
- John Buchan
'Meeting of minds' eyes * what an enthralling symposium it was. I am awestruck, spellbound and inspired to the superlative degrees by so many beautiful & intense minds and people with golden heart from places all across the globe.  Above all presence of Ron & Alice**, making the environment filled with compassion, love and knowledge. It can be considered as 'sangam' (union) of these 3 most powerful virtues only mankind possess. No emphasis is needed to understand,  when these three attributes meet only miracles can happen.... Yes! Davis facilitator fraternity make miracles happen by their dedication, passion and skills, day in day out, client by client through their COMPASSION, LOVE and KNOWLEDGE! 

I am filled with cocktail of varied feelings! The foremost is the feeling of pride. Ron mentioned this multiple times during his lectures ‘to pride is sin’, but we lesser mortals at times enjoy doing sins!

My pride is, in being part of this noble fraternity.  And why not so! In the age of cut throat competition, if people come forward and share openly their knowledge, wisdom, little zings they add in programs to help their clients achieve success, their intellectual knowledge base, experiences and learnings thereon, so others can benefit.  

So much of collaboration and knowledge exchange happened in both formal and informal engagements…

It was short but a HUGE period of time... I am filled till brim and quite disoriented! writing this piece while I am on the flight back home and trying to put together the hustle bustle week spent at the Great Malvern!

The classy hall named as The Big School at the magnificent Malvern College, was the most vibrant place during these days. Facilitators & specialists have flown from all across the planet; Australia, New Zealand, Netherlands, Iceland, Germany, Russia, France, Spain, Switzerland, USA, Hong Kong, Poland, Holland, Denmark, Riyadh, Lebanon, Italy and of course India (the list is big and still I might have unintentionally missed some place).

It was like a global school… where each one passionately driven with emotions and skills, working for the cause of giving the gift of capabilities to nurture the true potential of fellow humans and help them come out of their labels of LD, helping Autistic brains to integrate and participate fully in life, making young children learn the way they can... in nutshell making life beautiful for everyone and in turn making our planet earth a much happy place! 

You can now easily imagine how much I  gained and coming home with an enriched life after finding new friends, soulful friendships, meeting my mentors from other side of the globe...I am finding it hard to switch off my  disorientation kicked in due to my cocktail of thoughts... it will take some time to process information hangover!
I am so excited & happy, I shall be able to I assimilate & apply all what I learn on the programs I do and pass on benefits to more and more people.

Now wait! If you are still hooked on to this page and reading further... I want to share on the fun we had... the gala banquet dinners, melodious songs...beautiful autumn with quaint location of pristine hilly town of Great Malvern was making the affair more romantic... early morning walks to the college with soulful conversations... wanting to soak in every moment... capture every beautiful tree, every gothic stone building, through lenses in the memory… 

One hilarious and memorable incident I need to essentially mention here... On the day of my arrival, me and my new found soul friend ventured into a book shop, attracted by books and of course (hush-hush) a board displaying delectable ice cream flavors! The shop owner was courteous & very kind enough to tell us that she doesn't sell ice cream; it's the other store, but we are welcome to bring it and have it at her place! (Again this was a awed moment for me!), and like good kids we honoured her request, went to other shop in excitement and asked for ice cream!  After barging in this small shop, we realised it was an exclusive wine shop, a family was relishing & tasting wine… we kind of quickly sniffed around and saw a small freezer with ice-cream pints… and then  we announced ‘May we have some ice cream please?’... least we bothered with their snare & laughter  'ICE CREAM' that followed, we rather selected our pints from the freezer, which the shopkeeper has to open up by actually scrapping out the ice... then dutifully we went to bookstore to relish our ice-cream and thereafter had coffee too, as book store sold coffee too.  Not to mention this was a hard earned treat for myself & my friend, of more than 20 hours travel and then dragging luggage for almost 20 minutes on Malvern hills to my hotel room. Don’t you agree this deserves no less than an out-of -the-world drooling ice-cream... 
My ice-cream- soul friend was as new to me as I was, to her town Malvern. We were on the same train from London to Great Malvern.  On this 3 hour journey we chatted happily like long lost friends, shared stories our interests.. 
She shared her roots and connection with India, her grandfather had helped in designing Mumbai railways… on knowing I am travelling thus long and had arrived same morning in UK, she was determined to not to leave me alone but to make sure I reach my destination safely. She came along with me to show my way, which was quite opposite direction from her destination. Not only she did came along with me, she lifted my luggage too when Malvern hills gradients got too steep and I started panting..! As I was resisting and burning in embarrassment, she so nicely calmed me down saying, ‘Wouldn't have you done the same if you were at my place?’…this incident was outside symposium scope, but symposium diaries will not be complete without mention of my dear ice-cream-soul-friend... hope we meet sometime soon again! 

💕I hope all my Davis-Soul-friends meet sometime soon again💕
I have so many photographs want to include each one of them... have to figure out a neat way to do so... until then let me soak in some more & you take good care of your selves...
Please share your thoughts, I shall be encouraged and motivated to include those in next pages I am planning to write when I get back…